Summary :

how to add programs to startup

If you utilise some programs every fourth dimension when you turn on your computer, it's time to add them to Windows startup for convenience. The tutorial on how to add programs to startup is provided by MiniTool Solution.

Quick Navigation :

  • Motion 1: Open the Windows Startup Folder
  • Move two: Create a Shortcut in the Startup Folder
  • User Comments

Exercise you take some programs which are frequently used on your calculator? If yep, you can add them to Windows startup so that they can run in one case you start your computer.

But how to add programs to startup?

Some Windows apps configure themselves to automatically first when Windows boots, and you can add a few third-party programs from a congenital-in settings.

For those programs which don't have born settings for startup, you can create a shortcut to them in a special Startup folder (one of Windows' subconscious arrangement folders).

Read proceed to become the step-past-stride tutorial on how to add programs to startup in Windows 10.

Tip: If y'all want to get a program to run at startup on Windows Vista or Windows seven/8.1, you tin can as well use the method in this mail.

Move 1: Open the Windows Startup Folder

If y'all want to add a programme to Startup in Windows ten, you need to open up the Windows Startup binder in the first place. Startup is a subconscious arrangement folder in Windows. There are two ways to open the Startup folder: using File Explorer, and using shell:startup control.

Using File Explorer

To open Startup folder in Windows with File Explorer, you lot can follow these steps.

Step 1: Press Win + East to open File Explorer.

Step 2: Click View tab, then check Hidden items to bear witness subconscious folder.

check hidden items

Footstep iii: Re-create and paste the post-obit path to the accost bar: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Showtime Carte\Programs\Startup.

open startup folder
get help with file explorer win10 thumbnail

How can you become help with file explorer in Windows 10? We show yous the Windows 10 file explorer aid in this commodity in item.

Using Shell:Startup Command

Also File Explorer, you can open Startup folder with the shell control. Here's how to do information technology.

Step 1: Press Win + R to open Run window.

Step ii: Input beat:startup in the box and so click OK to navigate to the aforementioned path%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Carte du jour\Programs\Startup apace.

type shell:startup

Then Startup folder will exist open and you can continue to add together a program to startup in Windows 10.

Tip: You need to proceed the Startup folder open because information technology will exist used in the side by side move.

slow startup windows 10 thumbnail

Many users encounter slow bootup event after upgrading to Windows 10. How to fix Windows 10 slow bootup effect? Read this post and find answers here.

Move 2: Create a Shortcut in the Startup Binder

Afterwards yous open Startup folder, you can add a program to startup in Windows 10. All you need to do is creating a shortcut in Startup folder for the programme. Here I take MiniTool Partition Magician as an example. You can endeavor information technology for whatever programs you want to launch in startup.

Step one: Correct-click your program icon and choose Open up file location to locate the executable file of the program.

Step 2: Right-click the executable file and choose Create shortcut.

create shortcut

Pace 3: Re-create and paste the Shortcut to Startup folder.

copy and paste shortcut

Once it's washed, the program will run automatically when you kicking Windows next time.

Tip: Some programs can't be added to Startup with the method mentioned in this post on Windows x Pro Version 1909, according to the user. But for some programs like web broswers, information technology's nonetheless available.

Note: The more programs you add together to startup, the longer the startup process will take. If at that place is any app you don't want to run when you showtime Windows, yous can delete the shortcut in Startup folder to disable it.

how to disable startup programs win 10 thumbnail

Information technology is proved that disabling startup programs to reduce the booting time is constructive. So, how to disable startup programs Windows 10? Here are answers.

That's all near how to add programs to startup in Windows ten. You can also add files or folders to startup and so that they can run one time you kicking Windows. Feel costless to accept a try!