
How To Change Homegroup Password In Windows 10

Several users have been having trouble retrieving or recovering the password of the homegroup used for their local network. Near affected users are either trying to add a new computer to the HomeGroup or they're trying to dismantle the current one. The effect is more often than not encountered on Windows 10.

Retrieving the HomeGroup countersign on Windows ten

What is Windows homegroup?

A homegroup is a group of PC's that are configured to share files and printers.

Using a homegroup makes information technology easier for media files (documents, music, videos, pictures, etc.) with other Windows computers connected to the same local home network.  Another crawly feature is that you tin can stream media to devices direct – without having to download the file starting time.

When a PC creates a homegroup for the whole network, Windows automatically protects it with a password. In order for other computers to join the homegroup, they'll need the homegroup countersign in guild to get in.

Important: Starting with Windows 10 build 17063, the HomeGroup service is no longer operational in Windows 10. But fortunately, the user profile used for sharing the files, folders or printers will continue to work.  This inverse is a direct issue of Microsoft pushing their OneDrive service.

How to Retrieve or View HomeGroup Password in Windows 10

If you're looking for a quick way to view the password of your homegroup nosotros take created three dissimilar methods that will help you retrieve it.

Every guide volition eventually take yous to the same screen, so make certain yous follow the one that is the nearly approachable to your current situation.

Annotation: Unless your Windows x build is older thanWindows 10 build 17063,none of the methods below will exist applicable since the HomeGroup feature was effectively removed from the latest versions.

Method one: Using File Explorer

Peradventure the quickest manner to retrieve your current HomeGroup password is to use the defended HomeGroup password button from the left-hand side menu of File Explorer.

Here'south a quick guide on how to get there:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Go over to the right-hand pane, right-click on your Homegroup and click on View the HomeGroup password.
    Accessing the HomeGroup countersign via File Explorer
  3. Y'all'll be taken directly to a screen where you can view your HomeGroup password in a yellowish box.
    Recovering the HomeGroup password

Method ii: Using the HomeGroup ribbon at the top

Another mode to admission the current HomeGroup password is to select the electric current HomeGroup inside File Explorer and so access the HomeGroup tab from the newly appeared ribbon bar. Here's a quick guide on how to exercise this:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Use the left-mitt menu to click on the Homegroup tab to select it.
  3. With the Homegroup go to the ribbon bar at the top and click on HomeGroup from the ribbon bar at the top.
  4. And then, click on View countersign and you will be taken to a screen where you will exist able to call back your HomeGroup countersign.
    Accessing the HomeGroup password via Ribbon bar
  5. You volition then be taken to a carte du jour where you lot can meet your HomeGroup password inside a xanthous box.
    Recovering the HomeGroup password

Method iii: Viewing HomeGroup Countersign via Control Panel

Another way to to go around retrieving your Homegroup countersign is by using the Control Panel menu dedicated to the Homegroup. Here'south a quick guide on how to do this:

  1. Printing Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Then, type "command" and press Enter to open up the classic Command Panel window.
    Accessing the classic Command Panel interface
  2. Within Control console, click on HomeGroup (utilize the search function in the summit-correct corner if the card is not among the visible items)
  3. Within the HomeGroup card, click on View or impress the homegroup password.
    View or impress the homegroup password via Control Console
  4. You will be taken to the card where your HomeGroup password will become visible within a yellow box.
    Recovering the HomeGroup countersign

How to change the HomeGroup Password in Windows x

If you lot've used the methods above to view your current Homegroup password just now you're looking for a way to change it, we've got you covered. The instructions below volition help you alter the current password that you lot're using for your local HomeGroup.

Simply earlier you commencement post-obit the instructions, keep in mind that in lodge for this to piece of work, all homegroup computers need to exist ON (Not asleep and NOT hibernating).

One time the requirement is in check, hither's what you need to do:

  1. Press Windows cardinal + R to open a Run dialog box. Then, type "control" and press Enter to open up upward the archetype Command Panel interface.
    Accessing the archetype Command Panel interface
  2. Within Command Panel, click on HomeGroup – or apply the search role to find the choice if it'south not visible from the starting time.
  3. Inside the HomeGroup settings, only click on Change the password.
    Changing the password of the HomeGroup
  4. And so, from the newly appeared Change Your Homegroup Countersign window, click on Modify the password.
  5. In the next screen, blazon the HomeGroup password yourself or click the icon associated with the box to have Windows generate a new 1 for y'all. Striking Enter annals the change, then click Next.
    Changing the homegroup countersign
  6. That's it, once the password has been changed, you'll run across a new window with a yellow box containing your new countersign. Share it with other computers connected to the same network to permit them to connect to the HomeGroup.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated data technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous big-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.


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