Why Our Prices Are Changing

Nosotros are updating the prices on our products starting on July one, 2021. Information technology's not something we enjoy doing, but our component and shipping costs have increased significantly over the past year, and at present and then must our prices.

This is only the second time we take raised our prices in the over x years nosotros take been in concern. We practise this every bit rarely as possible to have less overall effect on yous, our customers. Nosotros take worked hard to avert toll increases because we want equally many people equally possible to be able to access comfort, placidity, and energy savings, but given our increased costs and our dedication to pay staff fairly, this is a demand we cannot ignore.

We pride ourselves in paying all squad members a living wage and are raising wages for entry level positions. We believe that investing in squad members makes usa a better company. Nosotros were able to proceed all employees throughout the COVID-nineteen pandemic, performing no layoffs. Nosotros consider this a huge success, in part due to our early safety strategies put in place through Make clean Practice .

Past continuing to back up us, you are supporting a small, sustainable business who pays all employees a living wage, sources nearly all of our materials domestically, and provides a precise measuring system with a fit guarantee and a lifetime warranty. We care deeply virtually your comfort, our built and natural environment, and the products we build. Those things are never changing.

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How Our Prices Are Irresolute

On July 1, 2021 prices volition change for all Indow products. If you are able to place your order before the price change takes effect, we will honour our electric current prices. Even if your final invoice or shipment doesn't happen until afterward our prices change, as long equally your deposit is placed before July 1st, our current prices will apply.

Nosotros're telling you now so y'all have a adventure to get an society going before the alter occurs. Achieve out to your Fit Specialist or click the " Get a Gratis Estimate " button to start a conversation.

If you aren't able to place an order at present, retrieve, when you do you will be investing in your dwelling house by making information technology more than comfortable and increasing its value . Our updated pricing chart is beneath with both price by square footage and price per window.

New Pricing Effective July 1, 2021

Average window based on iii×4 foot window.

Grade Blazon Cost / Foursquare Human foot Price  / Avg Window
Standard $30 $360
Audio-visual $39 $468
Museum $39 $468
Privacy $39 $468
Shade $39 $468
Commercial $43 $516
Sleep $27 $324