Permit's cheque how to split up screen on Windows 10/xi to multitask like a pro.

One of the many Windows hidden features that most users aren't aware of is carve up-screen.

This was something I was in grave need of, every bit sometimes my 2-year-old baby shows upwards and says to play something on YouTube.

Instead, I used to disagree and hand him over one of my old laptops to watch him take the life out of its keyboard.

Thanks to the split-screen feature on Windows, that'll finish now. 😉

On a more serious note, one can stop switching windows every time and divide the screen to go the job done.

So let's movement on and see how to split screen on Windows ten/11.

Notably, this article has three methods to split-screen on Windows:

  • Dragging windows manually (Windows x/11)
  • Using keyboard shortcuts (Windows ten/11)
  • Using windows in-built split selection (Sectional to Windows 11)

Just first, brand sure to turn on the Snap windows characteristic in settings:

Windows 10 users tin can navigate to Settings > Multi-tasking and ensure that the Snap windows toggle is turned on.

turn on snap windows to split screen on Windows 10

Windows 11 users can do the same by browsing Settings > System > Multi-tasking and confirming that Snap Windows is turned on.

turn on snap windows to split screen on Windows 11

Now let's start to divide the screen into 2, followed by 3 and four divisions.

Split Screen in 2 in Windows 10/11

This is very simple. Just hold and keep dragging the window on either side till you encounter the split indication:

Subsequently, you can do this for the other window to divide the brandish in one-half. In add-on, yous tin can resize the separate by moving the border at your convenience.

Nonetheless, there is a limit to how narrow you lot tin can go with a specific awarding. The almost I could get with is Slack, with the other window taking roughly more than than 75% of the real estate.

split screen in 2 sections on Windows 10/11

Alternatively, y'all can also apply keyboard shortcuts.

Open the subject window, printing and agree the Windows central ⊞, and tap the left pointer key ⬅️ to put information technology into the left one-half of the display. Afterward, place the other window on the other half by holding ⊞ and tapping ➡️.

Separate Screen in 3 in Windows 10/11

Splitting Screen in 3 involves an organisation like this:

split screen in 3 sections on Windows 10/11

The nearly straightforward mode to reach this combination is past dragging the windows i at a time.

Still, we'll too try to replicate this with the keyboard shortcuts.

For this, open the beginning window and place it on the left half by holding the windows central ⊞ + and taping the left arrow ⬅️:

split screen in 3 sections on Windows 10/11 by keyboard shortcuts

Next, open up the second window, hold ⊞, tap ➡️, followed past ⬆️.

Please note the Windows + Up/Downwards arrows also piece of work as shortcuts to maximize/restore the windows.

And so, don't maximize the windows yous want to put into the corners. Instead, permit it hang somewhere in the center and proceed with the above key combination.

Accept a await:

Hither Windows gave suggestions to fill up the bottom right quadrant, only if you don't see the options, you tin merely agree ⊞, press and exit ➡️, and tap ⬇️.

Split Screen in 4 in Windows 10/11

Let's practice it the last time and split the screen into four parts by dragging each i to a corner:

Alternatively, we tin exercise this with windows shortcuts likewise. Please recall to avoid maximizing whatever window.

Here are the steps:

  • Open up the first ane. Hold ⊞, press ⬅️, and so ⬆️ to put it into the upper left corner.
  • Afterwards, open up the next. Hold ⊞, press ⬅️, and so ⬇️ to ship information technology under the first.
  • Adjacent, put the tertiary window on the top right quadrant by holding ⊞, taping ➡️ followed by ⬆️.
  • Similarly, prepare the terminal one in the remaining infinite by holding ⊞, and pressing ➡️ and ⬇️ sequentially.

These were the methods valid for Windows x & 11. The following section entails an exclusive technique that'll work only for Windows xi users.

Split Screen for Windows 11

On Windows 11, you can hover over the maximize/restore icon to select the layout (2, iii, or 4 divisions) and start filling the preferred position sequentially.

However, you need to stick to the aforementioned layout for all your selections. Otherwise, it volition go on irresolute the layout with every step, and you won't meet the desired final separate.

It's much like solving a jigsaw puzzle and putting in the pieces 1 by i.


And so that was about splitting the screen into 2,3 or iv sections on Windows 10 & 11.

Arguably, Windows 11 users can exercise it more speedily without dragging or using the shortcuts. And information technology's awful that Microsoft barred some having unlike hardware from getting that upgrade.

Fret non! Nosotros have three working methods to install Windows eleven on unsupported hardware. 🥂